Friday, July 18, 2008

My First Blogging Day

This is my first post and Adam is helping me type while I tell him what to say.

Our day started when we went to an appointment with Mommy and Adam. When Mommy went in to the meeting, Adam, Brandon and I watched "Annie" in the car. After the appointment, we went to eat. We ate pizza at Hawthorne Pizza and I ate a salad and one piece of pizza. I thought the pizza was really good, but it was really cold inside. Brandon was freaking out.

After we ate, we went to the hospital to see Kayleigh. When we first got there, we had to wash our hands really good. Then we had to get the aprons on. Then we have to put alcohol/hand sanitizer on so all the germs are killed. We went back to where Kayleigh was and the nurse offered me a chair. She lowered the incubator so I could see much better. She had a small poop earlier today. Adam took a picture of Kayleigh and I. This was my first picture with Kayleigh without Brandon in the photo. We left early because I had to pee really bad and she was sleepy anyways.

When we got home, I had to pee again really bad. haha. Adam and I worked on this blog together and later we are going to eat dinner and watch tv.

Thank you for reading my first post and I will be sure to post more soon.

Peace :)


Unknown said...

Hey girl! I absolutely loved your first post. It was very interesting reading about your day. I can't wait for your next update! I love you!

Anonymous said...

welcome to the blogging world! what an awesome picture of you and your new sister! you look so proud of her! keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Hi there Allyson your blog is so awesome. I will be sure to check for updates everyday. How exciting to have a little sister, just wait till she comes home and you get to play with her and help feed her. You are doing such a great job at being a big sister already.

~Kayce said...

What a beautiful picture of you and little Kayleigh. I know you are going to be the BEST big sister!

Sam said...

Great blog, Allyson! I love to read new updates about your baby sister, and I can't wait to hear about how things are going for you!

Tiffany said...

Hi Allyson,
I know your mommy from a Preemie message board that she writes on and I have been keeping up with your baby sister. I teach fourth grade in NM. I have a little girl who is now 16 months old and was born 2 1/2 months early. My son was 5 yrs. old at the time and it was very hard for him to see her in the hospital for so long. Now he is a great big brother and they love playing with each other. I hope your little sister gets strong quickly so you can enjoy her at home. Congratulations!!!

Sarah Suzy said...

Hi Allyson. My name is Sarah and I have been following your baby sister story since the beginning when your mom posted about her on babycenter. You seem like a very, brave strong girl and Kayleigh is so lucky to have you as a big sister. I love the picture of you guys together. Can't wait to read your next post!

Anonymous said...

Hi Allyson, It's Adam cousin from ohio Brandi. I'm glad you finally got your first picture with just you and your sister! I bet you can wait to get to do girly things with your lil sis when she gets bigger! Before you know it you can do girly stuff with her.
can't wait to see more updates.
Love Brandi and family

The Baldwin Family said...

You are such a wonderful big sister. I like your new blog and especially your pictures.

I have a little baby that was born early like your sister was. He is doing well now.

I say lots of prayers for you and your family

Kim Baldwin
Houston, Texas

Waves of Victory said...

Hi Allyson! I'm Rachel. I know your parents only through your little sisters blog but we all live in the same area.
This is such a cute picture of you and your new LITTLE sister! Your new blog space is awsome! You did a great job on it. I know you can't wait to have Kayleigh home. You are going to be a great BIG sister to her.

Anonymous said...

Hi Allyson:

You are being a wonderful elder sister to little Kayleigh. I am sure kayliegh knows about all the things you are doing for her, and wont be long before she is home with you in your arms.

Wish you all the best.

-Well wisher

Anonymous said...

Hi Allyson! It was great to get to read your blog. I have been keeping up reading about your mom and step-dad for a long time now because I have a baby due in September and we were on the same message boards at BabyCenter. I am so glad to know Kayleigh has such an awesome big sister who loves her a whole lot and will take good care of her! I know you and Brandon will be terrific with Kayleigh! I'm so glad to hear that you want to be a teacher when you grow up. I teach fourth grade at an elementary school. Fourth graders are the best! I'll be praying for Kayleigh to grow a lot so she can come home with you and Brandon real soon!

Anonymous said...

jaclyn were do you teach because i am going to 4th grade this year! please write back soon from:allyson

Smithmomof3 said...

Hi Allyson! My name is Jen. That picture of you and Kayleigh is beautiful! You are already such a loving big sister! It was fun reading about you in your post and I look forward to updates! Take care!

Thoughts and Prayers from Ohio -


Anonymous said...

i know that you do not know me. but i wanted to say that you are a very good sister. i know it can be hard to see you little sister like that, but hang in there. and always remember everything happens for a reason, you never know she may grow up to be a brain sergion or something. lol keep it up and your page and first blog look great.

annaandallysmom said...

Your new blog is awesome. I bet you are a great big sister and a huge help to your mom and dad.


Amanda said...

Hi Allyson!! I have been following your baby sisters story since you Mom wrote about her on babycenter. You are such a wonderful big sister!! I am a teacher also. I teach high school. Can't wait to read about you on your new blog!!

Anonymous said...

Nice blog Allyson!
Love reading about your new sister.
Lisa in Chicago

Anonymous said...

Hey Allyson,

I've been following your little sister's story since before she was even born yet. I was excited to hear that you had a blog now, too.

I just watched Annie with my daughter the other day. That's a fun movie. Did you watch the newer version, or the old one from the 1980's? I heard the new one is really great, but I haven't seen it yet.

I bet things are kind of crazy at your house with your mom and stepdad having to spend so much time at the hospital, but it sure sounds like you and your brother have been good sports about it.

Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Hi Allyson,

We love your website! Great pictures and music! You are an awesome big sister! We hope we get to see you real soon. Take care.

Love, Hannah and Jacob

Unknown said...

Hi Allyson,

Love you and miss you!!
Can't wait to see you..take care of your baby sister. Love your blog!!

We love you!!!
Aunt Karyn & Uncle Scott

Shelly Glass said...

Hi Allyson,

I am Adams cousin Shelly. I wanted to drop a quick line and let you know your blog is so cute! Good job!!

I have been reading your mommy and Adams blog about your beautiful little sister Kayleigh!! I bet you are soo proud to be a big sister again!! It will be soo much fun when she gets older and you can dress her up and teach her everything she needs to know about life! Good Luck and God Bless!